Jens Villiam
Jens Hoff is a Professor in Political Science and Leader of Centre for Sustainability and Society (SUSY) at the University of Copenhagen. He teaches and does research in governance and citizen participation in relation to sustainability and climate politics. Since 2009 he has led or co-led the major research projects "Citizen Driven Envirionmental Action" (CIDEA), "Collective Movements and Pathways to a Sustainable Future" (COMPASS), and "Developing and Implementing Green National Accounts and the Green GDP". He is currently engaged in the Green GDP project and a smaller project on The Climate Policies of the Nordic Countries. During his career he has authored, co-authored and edited numerous book, book chapters and journal articles among these "Democracy and Citizenship in Scandinavia" (Palgrave 2001), "Community Governance and Citizen-Driven Initiatives an Climate Change Mitigation" (Routledge 2016), and "The Role of Non-State Actors in the Green Transition. Building a Sustainable Future" (Routledge 2020).